Wood Apple Spicy Dip | Bael Spicy Chutney | Summer Special

The wood apple is a peculiar fruit – it looks like a rotten coconut on the outside, and on the inside, it doesn’t get any prettier. Nor does it smell right – many refer to as a sort of mixed stench of rotten blue cheese with overripe bananas. But much like the stinky durian, we know better not to judge a fruit by its odor. Wood apple gives you a boost of energy in summers. The high protein content of the fruit also boosts the healing power of your body.

Spicy Chutney

The wood apple is actually a popular fruit in Indian and Sri Lankan cuisine, native to those areas and neighbouring Bangladesh and Andaman Islands. Botanically called limonia acidissima, and commonly referred to as the elephant apple, wood apple fruit grows on trees that reach up to nine meters tall, ranging between 5-9 cm when mature. Recently I posted some recipes with Woodapple – Woodapple Jam, Woodapple Summer Drink, and Whole Wheat Woodapple Cake. Today I am going to share a spicy and sweet chutney made with wood apple or bael, sugar, with spices. It goes well parathas or with any chaat.

Woodapple Chutney

Woodapple – 1 medium
Brown Sugar – 1/2 cup

Black Salt – 1 tsp
Roasted cumin seeds- 1 tsp
Black pepper powder – 1 tsp
Fennel seeds – 1/4 tsp
Red chili powder – 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste

Method :

  1. Break open the fruit and using a spoon scoop the pulp. Put woodapple pulp with 1 cup of water in a bowl and keep it aside for 30 minutes.
  2. After 30 minutes using your palms gather and squish the pulp to separate the seeds. Press the juice through a sieve to strain the fibers and seeds from the thick pulp.
  3. Add strained wood apple pulp in a nonstick pan and cook for 10 minutes on low flame.
  4. Now add brown sugar with all spices and cook for another 10 minutes on low flame. Once chutney starts to thickens switch off the flame.
  5. Allow chutney to cool down. Then add lemon juice and mix well.
  6. Enjoy Woodapple Chutney with hot parathas.
Summer Spicy Chutney

Tips :

  • Lift chutney with a spatula and pour chutney, it should flow together and not in drops.
  • Pour few drops of prepared chutney on a plate if it spreads then it’s not ready if it stays firm without moving then the chutney is ready.
  • Allow to cool and store in sterilized glass jar.
  • Keep chutney in the refrigerator after every use. Use a clean and dry spoon. It last long for 3 months.

One response to “Wood Apple Spicy Dip | Bael Spicy Chutney | Summer Special”

  1. Nice recipe

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