Ghughutiya Tyar | Fest of Kumaon | Love My Culture | Ghughuti Recipe | Makar Sankranti Ghughuti

The festival of Ghughuti, called “Ghughutiya tyar” in the local dialect is celebrated in the Kumaun region of the hilly state of Uttarakhand on the eve of Makar Sankranti (January 14th). Ghughutiya, which is also known as “kale kauwa” (Black crow) is celebrated by preparing the sweet delicacy “Ghughute”. Ghughute is prepared by kneading wheat flour into dough mixing it with jaggery.

Makar Sankranti Ghughuti

Then the dough is then used to make different small shapes and then deep-fried in ghee/oil till beautiful golden brown. Then Ghughugte shapes are then strung into a thread to form a garland which also includes orange, popcorns and worn by young children. The next day, early morning children go on their roofs and offer ghughute to crows. As they offer, they also chant: “Kale kauwa kale, ghughuti mala khale” (O black crow, eat this garland made of ghughute). I still remember my Naniji used to make ghughute mala for me and Rahul (my younger brother).

To make this festival more interesting. I made a small Pichora. Pichoda is traditional attire for every woman in Uttarakhand (mostly in Kumaon), from the first time on her marriage, then on every auspicious occasion like pooja, namkaran, or marriages in the family; the married women wear Pichora.


Ghughutiya Tyar | Fest of Kumaon | Love My Culture | Ghughuti Recipe | Makar Sankranti Ghughuti

There is an interesting story behind this practice of offering ghughutas to crows. Once upon a time, there was a king who had a minister named Ghughutiya. This minister planned to kill the king and usurp his kingdom. However, a crow warned the king of his minister’s intentions, thus saving the king’s life. The king then punished his minister and ordered everyone in his kingdom to prepare sweets and delicacies and offer them to the crow.

Drawing – Artist Reyansh Karki

Ingredients :

Whole Wheat Flour – 2 cups
Water – 1 cup
Grated jaggery – 1 &1/2 cups
Sesame seeds – 1/4 cup
Fennel seeds – 2 tbsp
Little crushed black pepper
Little Himalayan pink salt
Oil or ghee – 1 tbsp

Oil for frying

Method :

  1. Heat water in a pan and add grated jaggery or gur.
  2. Add crushed black pepper and himalayan pink salt. Cook till jaggery melts.
  3. Then filter jaggery water an allow to cool down completely.
  4. I used food processor to knead a dough. Add 2 cups of Whole wheat flour into a food processor.
  5. Add sesame seeds and fennel seeds. Mix it.
  6. Then add prepared jaggery water slowly and knead a dough.
  7. At last add little oil and mix it well.
  8. Now take a small portion of dough. Sprinkle some sesame seeds and roll dough. Make different shapes (as shown in picture below).

9. Now deep fried till golden brown.

Ghughutiya Tyar

DIY Pichora | Love My Culture | Fest of Kumaon | Ghughuti Recipe | Makar Sankranti Ghughuti